
How Membership & Engagement will look in our Future Spaces

By Jill Bednas, Minister of Growth & Engagement

Upon entering Christ Church Cranbrook, you get a feeling of reverence.  The architecture and the materials that went into building this grand structure are significant.  No expense was spared.   We welcome members, newcomers and visitors every week to our beautiful house of worship.  But how will we guide them, and you, through this beautiful church, and help you get to where you want to be physically and spiritually in this building?

How are people experiencing the complex layout of the church?  The hallways and stairs and multiple levels are not easy to navigate for many people.  In the campus redevelopment, a new elevator will grace the hallway just outside the Sanctuary, providing easier access to all four levels of the church.   

The piazza area just outside the front doors will allow for people to gather before and after church.  A welcome desk will sit near the new elevator and be a centralized entrance to the church, providing a more secure environment.  This reception desk will be a continual point of access to information about the church services, ministries and upcoming events.

We have outgrown the Hospitality Center.  The long narrow space will be widened by creating larger openings to the atrium next door with a high ceiling and glass roof  that will let in light and provide an open airy feel.  This new improved Hospitality space will provide a large enough venue to comfortably hold our all-parish meetings, dinners, forums and social events.

How are people engaging in different ministries? On Sundays during the program year, all of our classroom spaces are occupied.  This limits additional groups to meeting before and after church, and it is often difficult to find a space which will hold more than a dozen people. Our future classroom layout will have flexible spaces with adjustable room dividers to open up and close off space as needed, offering many more places to conduct large or small classes, hold meetings and have conversations with one another.   

Whether you are new or have been here your whole life, we invite to explore, grow and deepen your relationship with God and with one another here at Christ Church Cranbrook.  The options to engage come in all shapes and sizes and commitment levels–we just need a little more space to provide those opportunities.  Our campus redevelopment plan will provide us those opportunities.

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