
From Our Founding to Our Future: This Week’s Spotlight: Participation

Since June we have updated you about the From Our Founding to Our Future capital campaign. This coming week, a mailing will be sent to more than 500 parish families requesting a prayerful consideration of a sacrificial multi-year gift.

The From Our Founding to Our Future capital campaign will enable Christ Church Cranbrook to open our doors wider, to serve more people and reach new communities with God’s love than ever before.  As with all great endeavors that seek to advance God’s mission in lasting and significant ways, this campaign invites us to significant and lasting generosity.

Today, we have the opportunity to pass on the blessings we have received through this wonderful parish. Just as God blessed our founders with the ability to give generously, so we have been blessed to give what we can. This is your chance to participate in the generosity that God has shown you in your life and through this church. It is an opportunity to pass on the blessing you have received, so that you become God’s blessing to others and to future generations.

With prayer leading our way, there are three additional items that will make a campaign a success:

  1. Participation: The participation of everyone in our parish family is crucial, because with a goal such as ours, every gift counts and each gift matters. We will be successful in this journey of faith if we all embrace this campaign and make it our own. It will require the participation of all Christ Church Cranbrook families.
  2. Pledges: Gifts and pledges to From Our Founding to Our Future may be paid over a five-year period, in order to allow everyone in our parish family to participate as fully as possible, while being flexible to individual circumstances. The purpose for this flexibility is so that you can prayerfully consider making a substantial and sacrificial gift.
  3. Personal Contact: Campaign visitors have met with over 150 parishioners.  Phone-a-thons begin September 11, and our goal is to contact over 500 parish families.  The reason we are making this appeal person-to-person is so that you can learn more about the campaign, ask questions, and respond to our invitation to make a substantial multi-year pledge.

At this special moment in our parish history, we are called to remember how blessed we have always been at Christ Church Cranbrook.  While God cannot be outdone in generosity, the Gospel asks each of us to give generously from our gifts in thanksgiving for God’s goodness.  Your sacrificial support of the From Our Founding to Our Future campaign is your legacy as we reimagine our future and take a major step in fulfilling our mission in Christ.