
Special Project Committee For Campus Renovation – July 2020 Report

By Mollie Proctor, Congregational Communications co-chair

In 2017 Christ Church Cranbrook began envisioning a campus redevelopment project to address a variety of needs including increased multipurpose space, additional classrooms, increased accessibility and modernized facilities.  In 2019, a successful capital campaign, From Our Founding to Our Future, was completed and work on the project began that fall.  A Special Project Committee (SPC) was formed by the Vestry to oversee and facilitate the building project and to periodically report ton the congregation. Click here to read our last report in March 2020.  

Even in the midst of a pandemic, we continue to be faithful to the vision of this parish. By the grace of God, we continue to be a community that meets Jesus, finds Joy, shares Beauty, and serves Others.

Most importantly, we continue to build for the future. Thanks to a dedicated group of leaders, we are implementing the bold strategic plan we adopted in 2017 and began to fulfill in our successful 2019 capital campaign, From Our Founding to Our Future. At the center of this campaign was the renovation and expansion of our program center, which will allow us to:

  • Increase multipurpose space to accommodate growing and diverse needs
  • Create flexible space for education easily accessible from the sanctuary
  • Renovate early childhood learning facilities
  • Create dedicated learning space for middle-school students and teens
  • Build new staff offices that are welcoming and appropriately balanced between privacy and interaction
  • Establish a dedicated entrance to church offices and a reception area
  • Renovate the existing kitchen
  • Renovate existing conference rooms
  • Enhance security and accessibility, including additional handicapped parking spaces, at our program center entrances

The Special Project Committee (SPC) was formed by the Vestry to oversee and facilitate this planned building project. This Spring and Summer, the SPC has worked hard to take the following important steps:

  • Construction Planning: Bob Formisano, our Owner’s Advocate, and Father Bill have been working with Kasco, our Construction Manager for the pre-construction process, to review the design and proposed construction for the project. This review process has allowed us to come up with a cost estimate that will reveal the actual expenses of the project.
  • Site Approval and Diocesan Approval: Father Bill has also been working with our architect, Alexander V. Bogaerts & Associates, and the Bloomfield Hills’ Planning Commission to obtain Site Approval of the project, as well as working with the Diocese to plan for their review and approval of the project.
  • Bridge Financing: The Finance Subcommittee of the Special Project Committee (SPC) has begun the work of solidifying the project’s financing. We aim to have a plan in place by the end of August.
  • Relocation: The SPC Relocation Subcommittee has narrowed down a site for the church offices and Little Lambs to move into during construction. We are in the midst of negotiations, and we hope to have these reach a positive conclusion by September.

In September, we will hold Town Hall meetings at 12:15pm on September 13th and 20th in preparation for our parish-wide meeting on Founders’ Day, September 27th to get your blessing on moving into the construction phase.  Please save the September dates and be sure to participate!

Finally, we are developing a kiosk at each outdoor service for you to visit and ask your questions as well. Please come to these wonderful services and look at the ways our work continues to bear fruit.

In closing, may this Summer be a time of recreation and transformation for you. May you know the more fully the God who makes all things new through Jesus Christ. May your hearts be uplifted by the sunshine and the Son who shines.


Have questions about the Capital Campaign project? Feel free to contact Mark Peters, the Chair of the Special Project Committee, or any members of the Sub-committees to engage in further conversation.  Click here for more information around the Special Projects Committee and its structure.

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