
Special Project Committee: Construction Update December 2021

What is our Campus Redevelopment?

Following a detailed study and survey of the needs of the congregation and our existing facilities, it was determined that our campus and program space at Christ Church Cranbrook required expansion to meet the needs of a growing church. These identified needs were:

  1.  Expand out multi-purpose gathering space (The Hospitality Center)
  2. Expand classroom space
  3. Expand meeting space
  4. Increase security
  5. Make the church more accessible


Thanks to your support of our recent Capital Campaign, From Our Founding to Our Future, we raised more than $10.7 million. Work has now begun and is expected to be completed sometime in 2022.

This is an exciting time in the life of the Church and we want to show you some of the activity that is taking place on campus.

Where are the clergy and staff during construction?

In February, the Administrative staff and Little Lambs moved to Temple Beth El where they will reside for the duration of the construction project. Once everyone had vacated the program area, construction (or “destruction”) began on the interior of the building, and the windows were removed to be replaced at a later date. All construction areas of the building are barricaded off as hard hat areas. Only the sanctuary, Guild Hall area, and St. Dunstan’s are accessible to us.

What has been completed to date?

Progress is well underway! Our construction project is almost halfway done! Demolition of the second floor and the interior of the south structure was completed in May. In June, after the building demolition, the construction crew started excavation for the area where the new east classroom and office wing will be built. In August and September, the roof substructure on the south building renovation was completed along with interior and exterior foundation and framing. Since then, the sub-roof and windows were installed, and interior walls are going up! With our only delays to date coming from excess rain over the summer and a delay in receiving the slate for the roof, we are continuing to make great progress.

The slate tiles for the roof were delivered and will be installed in the coming months along with the exterior masonry and atrium glass roof.

Want to learn more about the Capital Campaign and Campus Redevelopment Project? You can read about our redevelopment plan and contact us here.

Have you already pledged toward the Capital Campaign? If yes, please know that the fulfillment of your pledge reduces the cost of this project. If you fulfill your pledge on schedule and even ahead of time, we will borrow less money and pay less for our bridge financing, thereby lowering the cost of the project. If you’re interested in pledging toward the Capital Campaign, you can click here.

Thank you for your generous support for this crucial project, which will ensure that we can fulfill our mission better now and in the future.

We have a dedicated group of leaders who are faithful to the vision of this parish. Feel free to contact Steven Huprich, the Chair of the Special Project Committee, or any other members of the Sub-committees to engage in further conversation. Click here for more information about the Special Projects Committee and its structure.

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