
Stepping Up and Stepping Out for Summer Slam

By: Rebecca Clemans

Summer slam is an annual celebration at Micah 6 with a plan to distribute back-to-school shoes to kids in need. Last year, through Item of the Month, CCC donated 400 pairs of shoes and many volunteers to help make Micah 6 Summer Slam a HUGE success. 

As part of the 2023 Summer Slam volunteer team, I watched as wide-eyed kids with their parents, waiting patiently in line, to choose their favorite back-to-school cool style of shoes, from tables with mountains of piles of sneakers, loafers & Crocs! 

My teenage son was one of the CCC youth who volunteered in the shoe sorting detail. He liked the experience, recalling “everyone was genuinely excited and happy! The day brought out a feeling of community and team effort. We worked together well, and everyone was happy to help.” 

The experience for me was more emotional. Seeing the children so excited to choose their favorite pair of shoes, filled me with great satisfaction. The act of helping these little ones, and the big teens, try-on the shoes made me feel I was participating in a variation of our Lenten tradition, replicating the service that Jesus provided when washing the feet of his disciples. It was so rewarding to see the kids happy when their favorite shoes fit and the gratitude the parents displayed, to have this gift to head back to school in style and comfort. 

Please STEP UP to help our community partners Micah 6 make another successful event by: 

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