
Journaling with God

By: Jake Cooper

Fr. Chris recently preached about the urgency of Christians to be peacemakers in our increasingly polarized world.  That was then followed-up with part 2 of the message which focused on the need to find peace within our own hearts by setting aside daily time to rest in God.  

For anyone looking for some help getting started with their own daily practice, here’s one approach to a daily, 15-minute morning prayer session which uses freeform journaling to rest in God:

Prepare Your Space:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for about 15 minutes.

Gather Your Materials:

  • Grab a blank sheet of paper and a pen or pencil.

Begin with Gratitude:

  • Start your prayer by writing down a list of things you’re grateful for. These could be big or small blessings in your life.

Journaling with No Agenda:

  • After your gratitude list, start journaling without any specific plan or structure. Simply let your thoughts flow onto the paper. Write about your feelings, concerns, hopes, or anything that comes to mind.

Reflect on Your Writing:

  • Take a moment to read through what you’ve written. Reflect on where you can see God’s presence in your life—moments of grace, guidance, or unexpected blessings.

Invite God In:

  • Consider areas of your life where you could invite God in more deeply. This might involve challenges you’re facing, decisions you need to make, or relationships that need healing.

Conclude with a Prayer:

  • Close your prayer time by offering a simple prayer of thanksgiving for the insights gained and asking for God’s continued presence throughout your day.

Optional: Enjoy a Moment of Peace:

  • If time allows, take a few moments to sit quietly and peacefully, allowing the sense of God’s presence to linger before you start your day.

This 15-minute morning prayer practice is designed to be flexible and reflective, helping you start your day with gratitude and openness to God’s guidance.

What’s your daily prayer practice?  Share yours in the comments or forward to Fr. Chris at charris@christchurchcranbrook.org if you’d like to share yours as a blog.

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