By: Jan Sigler
Winter is the only season that, to me, has two completely distinct parts. From Thanksgiving until roughly Epiphany, winter is soft and bathed in embracing light – the lovely light of the first snow, the glowing light from Christmas trees and holiday candles, and the warm light in our hearts from the special music, foods, and reunion with people we love. With a return to normalcy (i.e. school or work), we enter Hard Winter – the long days of gray skies and early darkness, bone-chilling wind, and a dampness that seeps energy from our body and psyche.
This time of year, it’s a little harder to find passion and joy in everyday life. But, you only need to look a little harder…
Father Bill has signed a contract to write a commentary for two chapters of the Bible, Leviticus and Numbers, and is holding weekly classes to journey through these texts and help him prepare to write. What do I love about this study on God’s presence? We have poetry! We have music! We discuss topics you have undoubtedly never discussed in church before (HA!) and a smidgen of politics is sprinkled in.
Lectures are fascinating, discussions are lively, participation is up to you, and no prior knowledge of Leviticus, Numbers or the Bible is required. There is lots of room for exploration and growth in this class. You can start wherever you are (I have one eight-week “Mysteries of the Old Testament” class under my belt). Father Bill’s exuberance for the subject matter can’t help but rub off on you.
We hope you join us as we search for God’s Presence in Leviticus and Numbers this winter. In-person, weekly on Thursday evenings, from 7 p.m. – 8:30 P.M. To join in the fun, you can register at Classes start back up on January 23! We hope to see you there.
Contact Vivian Asztalos by email (vasztalos@