
Special Projects Committee

To download and print the guide around the Special Projects Committee, click here. To read updates on the Campus Renewal Project, click here

Since 2017 Christ Church Cranbrook has embarked on a bold strategy to enhance and expand its campus so that it could better fulfill its mission of meeting Jesus, finding Joy, sharing Beauty and serving Others. The need to increase our multipurpose space, classrooms and meeting space was identified as paramount if we were to continue to accommodate Little Lambs early childhood education center and our growing programs in children, youth and adult education.

A conceptual renovation plan was developed and a planning and feasibility study was conducted to determine the viability of a Capital Campaign to support the plan.  Because of the positive results of the study, in 2019 the Vestry approved moving forward with the Capital Campaign, From Our Founding to Our Future.

In November 2019, the Vestry appointed a Special Project Committee (SPC) that brought together representation from all the committees and ministries that will play an integral role in the campus expansion construction project.  The SPC is advisory in nature and works through the Vestry and the Rector.  In summary: 

  • The work of the Special Project Committee is facilitative.  The scope of the campus expansion project is large and the breadth of the project weighs in on all the committee members’ work.
  • The work is inclusive.  Relevant expertise has been drawn upon to help accomplish the work that is to be done.
  • The Committee works with transparency.  Dialogue and open meetings are being created in order to listen and inform through the duration of the Project.

The full SPC membership has been actively pursuing its purpose since its inception, and meets approximately twice a month to coordinate and discuss subcommittee activities and plans.  There are five sub-committees which report up through the main committee.  There is a great deal of energy in this committee and it will be reporting to you through a number of mediums to keep you informed on the excitement surrounding our program building and campus renovation project.

Special Project Committee Update

Congregational Communications

Chair:  Mollie Proctor 

Liaison with the Campaign Continuation Committee on activities regarding the Project with the goal to keep the congregation informed at all relevant stages.  To date we have:

  • Confirmed our committee membership consisting of the chair, Sarah Buckley, Rob Carrigan, Fr Bill, Jim Goran, Fr Chris and Drew Wagner
  • Created a trifold introducing the Special Project Committee which will be available throughout the church and online
  • A pop-up exhibit will be set-up with representatives available to answer questions

Budget & Financing

Chair:  Jim Goran

Compiles the Project budget and tracks all finance activity to include but not be limited to expenses, pledge projections and other funding.  Committee members are Fr Bill, Rick David, Steven Huprich, Gina Morgan, Mark Peters, Marc Robinson, Jim Trask and Peter Webster.  Liaison representation with Finance.  To summarize:

  • A master file for tracking the Project financing is being maintained
  • To date pledges of $1.9 million have been received
  • Pledge receipts are being kept liquid in short-term, interest bearing investments

Construction Matters

Chair:  Mark Peters

Responsible for investigating, preparing RFPs for engagement, interviewing and making recommendations for key services needed for the construction (architect, owner’s advocate, construction manager, etc.).  Committee members include Alex Bogaerts, Fr Bill, Jim Goran, Kris Guccione, Steven Huprich, Gina Morgan, Brian Neeper,  and Brian Sarver.  Liaison with Buildings & Grounds.  Highlights to date:

  • Finalize the contract with the architect, Alex Bogaerts
  • Determining the process for needed support consultants
  • Obtaining updated construction costs as we enter the project phase
  • Interviewing and recommend an Owner’s Advocate to represent CCC’s interest and facilitate in all activities relating to the design process, bidding and construction.
  • Submitting site approval plans to the City of Bloomfield Hills


Chair:  Steven Huprich

Charged with locating appropriate temporary space for staff, programs and Little Lambs during construction.  Members include Jill Bednas, Kate Bell, Fr Bill, Steven Huprich, Gina Morgan, Mollie Proctor and Brian Sarver.  Children and Youth will be kept up to date.  Update:

  • With Vestry’s approval we contracted with Mark Bowman as the Church’s leasing agent representative
  • Required temporary space needs was determined and shared with Mark Bowman
  • The committee had a site visit to the former Detroit Country Day School building; Mark has a list of potential properties that he is exploring lease costs and availability

Interior Selection

Chair:  Bill Johnson

Works with the Project interior designer on all matters relevant to the finishes for the existing interior space of the Church.  Committee members are Jill Bednas, Kate Bell, Pat Gahman, Kristen Goran, Kerry Malczewski, Gina Morgan and Molly Thomas.  Liaisons with Art Works.  The committee has met with Molly Thomas the interior designer and:

  • Reviewed the layout of the new and redesigned space to consider flooring and wall covering
  • Recommended using porcelain tile flooring in the community space
  • Has selected recommendations for carpet and wall covering for educational and office space
  • Will continue to work with Molly and other stakeholders on the final finishings