By Aiden Neeper, Teen Parishioner
My name is Aiden Neeper, I am 16 years old and I have been a member of Christ Church Cranbrook since I was baptized at two and half weeks. During my time as a member of CCC, the church has helped me grow exponentially.
When I was in elementary school my mother worked in this community as the leader of the children’s ministry. While she worked to serve the children of our Church, I spent a large majority of my free time with her. I attended Sunday School weekly, spent time helping my mom set up all the classrooms, I attended multiple pizza dinners learning about the Bible with other kids in the congregation, I helped with the Temporary Shelter at CCC, and more. At the time I felt I was just being dragged along, but as I continue to grow older, I realize that almost every single time I set foot into the church my faith grew.
Even today the church continues to set me on the right path. Many times, in the past few years, I have faced certain instances which have had the potential to set me on the wrong path. However, with the support and amazing help of this great church’s leaders, including our wonderful youth leader, Kellie Herdade, and Father Bill, I have been redirected towards God’s path for me.
My hope for the community of Christ Church Cranbrook is that we will continue to grow and spread God’s word to many. With the help of the capital campaign all this is possible. The capital campaign will allow us to build an extension, and renovations that will provide our community with the tools it needs for a successful future. Part of this project includes new Sunday School classrooms and a youth group room; my belief is that these new rooms will help the next generation of children to rise as well-rounded people and educated Christians.
My experiences in this church have helped me grow into the young man I am today, and with our church’s new extension many more generations will have this amazing house of God to worship and grow in.