On Friday, Jan. 24, Father Bill spoke in a segment on the podcast The Great Voice, where he discussed with the hosts Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson, and Jamie Edmonds, about the Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde’s sermon
By: Jan Sigler
Winter is the only season that, to me, has two completely distinct parts. From Thanksgiving until roughly Epiphany, winter is soft and bathed in embracing light – the lovely light of the first snow, the glowing light
By: Father Chris Harris
The New Year is the ideal time to embrace new habits and make positive changes in our lives and if you’re like me, come January, I am always looking for help getting back into
By: Rachel Ippel-Redman
Yesterday, I had the privilege of helping with the Festival of Gifts shopping day for our community partners and I wanted to share that experience with you. Last year was the first time
By: The Rev. Chris Harris
Jesus promises his followers that he will be with them always. It is a comforting promise, but one that can be so easily crowded out by our busy, agenda-driven lives, that it’s easy
By: Barbara Prinzi
A written transcript of Barbara’s talk, from our Advent by Candlelight on December 2nd.
Good evening. I was honored and deeply grateful to be asked to speak about Hope tonight. Hope has many definitions,
By: Rachel Ippel-Redman
A written transcript of Rachel’s talk, from our Advent by Candlelight on December 2nd.
I have many identities: daughter, sister, mother, niece, aunt, friend, wife, nurse, teacher, confidante, Christ follower, church volunteer. Each one of us
By: Vivian Asztalos
A written transcript of Vivian’s talk, from our Advent by Candlelight on December 2nd.
Who here knows Marie Kondo? She’s that organizer consultant, tiny, very cute, had a netflix series right before the pandemic? It was called Tidying
By Jill Andree
I don’t know about you, but this time of year can bring me a nervous energy in anticipation of the holidays.
But like any day in our lives, we have choices. Choices to get caught up in the
By: Father Chris Harris
Do you love Thanksgiving but can do without the sometimes awkward or uncomfortable conversations that sometimes happen when families get together? We have you covered!