By Fr. Chris Harris
In our baptism, we promise that with God’s help, we will turn from the powers of sin, hatred, fear, injustice, and oppression toward the way of truth, love, hope, justice, and freedom.
By: Rev. Chris Harris
On Sunday June 2 at the 10am Service, Bishop Bonnie Perry will be at Christ Church Cranbrook to offer anyone the opportunity to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal
By: Hunter Torres
Have you ever heard the Cranbrook Ringers handbell choir play at a CCC service? This short article is intended to shed some light on the unique experience of ringing bells at CCC, and to enthusiastically invite you
By Rev. Chris Harris
The season of Easter is a time of new life, new beginnings, and new growth. Having spent the last 40 days reflecting on what we might prune from our lives to make room for God and
Was Palm Sunday a Procession or Political Protest?
By Rev. Chris Haris
According to New Testament scholar John Dominic Crossan, the parade that we reenact each year on “Palm Sunday” — marking Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem — would
Dear Friends,
Many of us have experienced God’s love through the wonderful ministry of John Repulski, who served as Music Director and Organist at Christ Church Cranbrook from 2003 – 2014. His legacy of musical compositions and talented musicians still
By Dr. Felix Rogers
Even though labyrinths have been around for thousands of years, there is no “right” way to walk it. For me, walking the labyrinth is an opportunity to practice mindfulness. It
By: Jonathan Ryan
Christ Church Cranbrook has a rich, beautiful history of not only music and the arts but also lifting up women. The rear window in the church, often called The Women’s Window, features some 60 women from the
By Chris Harris
Lent is a fallow time where we can reassess our lives and ask what we might need to put down, prune or let go of so that we might make more room for
By Christa Albrecht & Frances Hammond, for the Flower Guild
Where have all the flowers gone?
To our sick and suffering—everyone;
During Lent no flower blooms will be seen,
Instead, the altars are adorned with desert plants of green.
Like the place where Christ