

Thanksgiving Conversation Starters!

By: Father Chris Harris

Do you love Thanksgiving but can do without the sometimes awkward or uncomfortable conversations that sometimes happen when families get together?  We have you covered!

To help families engage in meaningful and

On Just War

By Fr. Bill Danaher

Dear ones, thanks to many for the positive response to my sermon this Sunday (if you missed the sermon titled “The Sword and the Altar,” you can watch it here). I am sending

Small Act, Big Impact

By: Lauren Brooks

When someone does us a favor we often say “You’re a life saver”! It’s a phrase that is casually thrown around and certainly not taken literally. What if a small act of giving could save someone’s life?

The way of love by the episcopal church

TURNING in the Direction of Love

By Fr. Chris Harris

Watch this before reading.

In our baptism, we promise that with God’s help, we will turn from the powers of sin, hatred, fear, injustice, and oppression toward the way of truth, love, hope, justice, and freedom.

A Legacy of Boundless Love: Blessing of the Animals

By Roxanne Perry

Fall is the perfect time to gather family and invite your friends for a fun outdoor activity that celebrates love, compassion, and the bonds we share with our four-legged companions. You see, this year we

How a “Homeless” Man’s Legacy Gift Changed My Life

By The Rev. Chris Harris

Back in the mid-2000s, I was a practicing lawyer and a newly-minted Christian. I had stumbled upon The Episcopal Church in a gay pride parade one afternoon and after giving it a try, discovered a

1,800 Lunches Served!

By: Tim Miller

This Saturday marked a full year of Saturday Sandwich Ministry events. Over the past 12 months, approximately 50 CCC parishioners have dedicated time on one Saturday a month to prepare lunches provided for the Baldwin Center, Hope

Summer Fun Night!

Alexandra Larson is hosting a Finding Joy event with activities that the whole family can enjoy! Of course, this is not just for families, anyone is welcome to join! From a kids’ sandbox to adult fun with draft

Want to throw a little party?

Want To Throw A Little Party?
With Spring upon us, we thought it was time to create some opportunities to gather and have some fun this summer at Christ Church Cranbrook – and we are looking for some hosts! This

Special Project Committee: Construction Update December 2021

What is our Campus Redevelopment?

Following a detailed study and survey of the needs of the congregation and our existing facilities, it was determined that our campus and program space at Christ Church Cranbrook required expansion to meet the needs