

Looking for Meaning and Purpose in Life? Wait for it…

By the Reverend Chris Harris, Associate Rector

During the first two weeks of Advent, 35 of us gathered on Wednesday nights to engage the search for meaning in our lives in a workshop called “Discovering My Purpose.”

Discovering Christ in the Strange and Familiar

By the Reverend Imogen Rhodenhiser, Associate Rector

This past weekend, I found myself in Augusta, Georgia to attend the ordination of a beloved friend. We gathered around many tables to feast and speak with old friends of Amy’s and

What does it mean to be a Saint?

By The Reverend Canon Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

23 years ago, when I was in the ordination process, I learned to say the Eucharist from Father Bill Penny, an older priest I worked with one summer.

The Next Ninety Years

By The Reverend Canon Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr. , Rector

When we look to the past, we tend to see monuments rather than movements. We tend to think that what has happened was always meant to be. We

Altar Guild sets the stage for worship services

by Lisa Nemazi

In general terms, the duty of the Altar Guild is to prepare the altar with all things necessary for the celebration of each service held at Christ Church Cranbrook. This is a very important ministry; we are

A special project to mark Detroit ‘67

by Bill Danaher

As we reflect on the 1967 Rebellion, the challenge is not merely to look back at what happened, but to build memories that can help us understand our present and negotiate our future. The philosopher Herbert Marcuse

Docents share the history, art and architecture of Christ Church Cranbrook with others

by Karen Martin and Janice King

You have probably heard or read the announcements about Docent Tours available after the 10:00 AM Sunday church services. Quite a number of people have enjoyed these tours.

Our purpose is to share information about

CCC’s community garden produces a harvest for others

By Coco Siewert

“We ask you, Lord, to bless the seeds planted here. Help them to sprout and grow. Give all new life within this garden the right conditions to grow and bear fruit in Your Light.”

These words are from

Women’s Spirituality Group celebrates summer with reading The Book of Joy

by Christine Blackwell

Summer is in full swing, and with it comes the opportunity to rejoice in warm, sunny days, relax a bit with friends and family, and catch up on some reading — especially if that reading centers on

Parishioner gives back by volunteering in the church office

By Duffy Wineman

My Christian background and my Sacred Heart education instilled in me a real desire to give back, especially to those people and institutions that have had meaning in my life. Christ Church Cranbrook is one of those