Christ Church Cranbrook has received a five-year grant of $579,475 to re-establish the Institute for Advanced Pastoral Studies with its partner congregation, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, located in Detroit. It is part of Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Thriving in Ministry, an initiative that supports a variety of religious organizations across the nation as they create or strengthen programs that help pastors build relationships with experienced clergy who can serve as mentors and guide them through key leadership challenges in congregational ministry.
The Institute for Advanced Pastoral Studies was originally founded by Christ Church Cranbrook in 1957. The Institute moved to Marygrove College in Detroit in 1981, eventually becoming the Ecumenical Theological Seminary. The re-established Institute for Advanced Pastoral Studies will be a congregationally-based effort to bring together intentionally ecumenical and diverse groups of clergy to build leadership capabilities, develop networks, and provide a spiritual grounding to pastors that shepherd congregations in Metro Detroit. The program will therefore provide a platform for positive social change in Detroit. While administered by Christ Church Cranbrook, learning sites will be located in local congregations and allied organizations throughout the Metropolitan Detroit area.