If you were baptized earlier in your life, there are three special ways to deepen your faith at Christ Church Cranbrook. Each takes place within our worship service and is led by the bishop.
- You can be confirmed, standing before your faith community and the bishop to profess a mature commitment to Christ receiving strength from the Holy Spirit to live as a faithful and active follower of Jesus.
- You can be received into the Episcopal Church, coming before your faith community and the bishop to receive prayers and the laying on of hands as you step forward to make the Episcopal Church your home. (This is a wonderful opportunity, particularly for those who have grown up or been confirmed in another Christian tradition.)
- You can reaffirm your faith, in the presence of your faith community and the bishop. Experiencing a renewed sense of God’s presence in your life or reconnecting with the church after time away are just some of the ways you might feel moved to reaffirm your faith.