
Become a Member

Whether you were raised in a different denomination, or no denomination, whether you are a long time Christian who has been away from the church or someone still exploring their faith, we encourage you to consider putting some roots down in this faith community by becoming a member.  Whoever you are, wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, there is a place for you here!

To become a member at Christ Church Cranbrook please complete our Membership Form online here

Of course while membership might begin with a form, it doesn’t end there.  Here at Christ Church Cranbrook, membership means belonging — belonging to a community that worship, prays and serves together, that lifts one another up, encourages and learns from one another and gives back by building up the church through the gifts that God has given us.  These outward and visible signs of belonging are often summarized by the three “T”s:  


Members are faithful in prayer and worship. They dedicate time in their personal life to pray for the parish and its ministry, attend weekly worship to be fed in word and sacrament, so that we might go to love and serve a hurting world.


Members take their place in the Body of Christ by putting their gifts, skills, talents, passions or life experience to work by participating in of our various ministries, building up the congregation so that we might build the Kingdom of God.


Members make a financial commitment – commonly referred to as an annual pledge – to support the mission of the parish through. By giving through a pledge, we turn our giving into a spiritual practice just like regular prayer or worship, that helps to make God a priority in our life.