

Sunday School

Children of any ages are WELCOME in Worship with their families!

From September through May, Sunday School is available for children. Welcome and drop-off for Sunday School will be in the Guild Hall at 9:45 AM. Children will be brought back to the 10 AM service before communion.

During the summer, we will have a “Children’s Chapel” each week during the 10 AM worship service, children are dismissed after the collection of the day until after the sermon!

You are welcome to explore our content here: https://linktr.ee/kidsccc

Teachers are volunteers from our parish that feel called to this ministry. Teachers teach in teams of two and are background checked. All teachers complete the Safe Church training provided by our Diocese.


Rehearsals: Sundays 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Cranbrook Choristers is for children and youth starting in grade 3.  Modeled after the English cathedral tradition, choristers receive a high level of musical and vocal training which enables them to sing music at an adult professional level.  Through a custom-made curriculum, they receive instruction in reading music, theory, analysis, liturgy, and leadership.  Choristers experience numerous benefits from this program beyond music, such as an expanded circle of friends, greater self-confidence, higher academic achievement, and growth in maturity. Cranbrook Choristers typically sing at the Sunday 10 a.m. service an average of once a month.  Choristers enjoy other social activities together as well. No prior musical or vocal training is necessary for choristers joining in grades 3 or 4.  Cranbrook Choristers is open to children and families of any or no religious affiliation!

Contact Jonathan Ryan for more information.

Saint Francis Choir

Rehearsals: Sundays @ 11:30 AM – Noon 

The St. Francis Choir is for children ages 4 to 7. This is a musical enrichment experience in which children learn basic singing and rhythmic skills through varied activities and Bible-based songs. Developing children’s treble singing voices is a major focus of this choir. The St. Francis Choir sings for the 10 AM service several times during the church year. Additionally, the children participate in musical outreach in the local community.

Contact Diana Turner for more information.