
Practicing Resurrection

In Lent, Christians traditionally follow Jesus on his way to the cross and Calvary. But the Resurrection we celebrate on Easter Day is more than a happy ending. In fact, even as he makes his way to his death, the Resurrections begins breaking through in his life. Looking at key passages in the gospels and important works of art, these classes will help us see the Resurrection as an every day practice of making room for Christ’s victorious love in our lives.

Questions? Email Father Chris

Catch up with Previous classes

Practicing Resurrection 16-9, Class One

Week One: The Resurrection as Liberation

John 11:1-44

In the Gospel of John, the Resurrection begins before Jesus dies. The raising of Lazarus was a dangerous moment in which the authorities realize that Jesus must be stopped. This raises for us the question of how we can see the resurrection as life-giving and liberating.

Images of the Raising of Lazarus from different chapters in the history of art provides us with windows into this liberation.

Practicing Resurrection 16-9, Class Two

Week Two: The Resurrection as Rebellion

Luke 23:33-49

Jesus’s promise of paradise to the thief on the cross is an invitation for us to see the life that appears in death. Drawing from the Ignition tradition, we will contemplate what it means to experience losses and gains as we raise the standard of Christ in our lives.

We will conclude with a moving poem by Julia Esquivel de Valesquez and a stained glass sculpture by John Petts

Practicing Resurrection 16-9, Class Three

Week Three: The Resurrection as an (Im-)perfect Ending

Mark 15:37-16:8

Mark’s depiction of Jesus’ resurrection is a sterling example of how less can be more. This is an important lesson for us to learn in our spiritual life, when the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us to step back from our usual elaborate Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Celebrations.

Images of this gospel from throughout the history of art give us a window into how this powerful lesson has been learned, or unlearned, by the church through the centuries.

Practicing Resurrection 16-9, Class Four

Week Four: Resurrection as Mission

Matthew 28:1-20

Matthew’s depiction of Jesus’ resurrection is one in which the presence of Christ is not only made bodily clear, but the disciples are called to bring the gospel of Christ, and his presence, throughout the world.

We will be joined by vocalist Jennifer Demello-Johnson, who will sing two songs and speak about the ways her identity has been shaped by the resurrection.