Class of 2027
General Introduction: Having attended Cranbrook Schools as a youth, I have always had a connection to Christ Church Cranbrook. I was confirmed as a Presbyterian and attended Kirk in the Hills for much of my youth but later joined the Episcopal Church when I married Cindy Foster. We have proudly raised three children that have or continue to be involved in youth programs at CCC! Professionally, I received my undergraduate degree in English at Vanderbilt University and went on to Michigan State to receive my MBA in Materials and Logistics Management with a focus on Operations. Currently, I run our family business in wood pallet recycling and manufacturing. When away from the office, I enjoy hockey in the winter season, golf in the summer, and spending time with my family and dogs. CCC Participation: Family members enrolled in Sunday School, and involved in Acolyting Attendance at multiple CCC events over the years, including: Festival of Gifts, Vacation Bible School, youth trips, and volunteer opportunities Served on the CCC Finance Committee for two years Served on the Board of Little Lambs for seven years CCC Mission: Historically I have seen many great things emanating from CCC, but never more so than in the last few years under Father Bill’s leadership. If elected, I hope to help further the mission by contributing my operational and budgeting skills to keep the Vestry moving in a responsible and efficient manner. I hope to do my part to further the fourfold vision of Meeting Jesus, Finding Joy, Sharing Beauty, and Serving Others. I find joy in watching the youth thrive in the congregation and value the importance of involving young people in church to ensure we continue to be strong and vibrant moving forward together into the future!