
The Church at Its Best

By Glynis Williams, Director of Marketing and Communications

“But what if I don’t have insurance?” Echoing through the vaccine clinic, this phrase took on a new meaning on Saturday, April 17th. It was easy for me to minimize the impact the clinic would have on underprivileged community members until a woman called me Friday morning. Busy with other tasks I almost didn’t pick up the phone, but I’m so happy I answered. It’s always humbling to live the moments we normally miss because we’re “busy.” She explained to me how she was lucky enough to get vaccinated early but has suffered through sleepless nights worrying about her son who remained unvaccinated. “I have to tell you,” she said in a worried voice, “he doesn’t have insurance. Will this be a problem?” In my mind, I thought “of course not!” But then it hit me. For those without insurance, this pandemic has brought nothing but uncertainty, fear, and “what if’s?” on a greater level than many of us can comprehend. Finally presented with protection against COVID-19, the uninsured continue to fear whether they will have access to the vaccine. 

It’s hard to understand the burden of healthcare when it comes so easily to many of us. This pandemic has left as many untouched as it has left with nothing. It’s taken life, jobs, dignity, and peace. Presented with the opportunity to serve, our Church stepped up to help restore a sense of peace and safety to over 1,000 community members. This is the Church at its best – beautiful, serving, and loving. Parishioners, staff members, and Rite-Aid frontline workers all worked tirelessly to serve community members seeking a vaccine.  Our church uniquely filled not only the need of a vaccine but also of hope, love, and community for patients from all walks of life. 

What is a church without the people who comprise it? A church is a group of people with a shared belief and mind for God who come together in community to worship. But more importantly, the Church at its best meets everyone where they are and says, “You are seen, you are valued, and you are loved”. I cannot think of a similar instance where we have an equalizer like the pandemic that shows, at the end of the day, we are all humans. COVID-19 doesn’t care who you are or what you’ve accomplished. Which, in a strange way, sounds so similar to God. When we strip away our jobs, education, “status”, friends, family, what’s left other than a human being in need of love, community, service, and grace. Seeing and experiencing Christ Church Cranbrook step up to serve the community in this way was a gift. I have nothing but immense gratitude and pride to call Christ Church Cranbrook not only the place I work but also home. This is the Church at its loving, beautiful, and best self.

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