
Did you know we do house blessings?

By Rev. Chris Harris

I was recently asked to bless the opening of a new bakery in downtown Royal Oak and it was a reminder to me that I have been meaning to write a short blog piece on House Blessings! One of my favorite churchy things to do outside of the church is to bless people’s homes. It is a lot of fun and a great excuse to have a party with friends and family. (It’s also a great evangelism opportunity for neighbors you’ve been meaning to introduce to your church!)

Why bless your home?

Our homes are places of reflection and restoration, rest and renewal. They are where we celebrate special occasions and grieve life’s challenges. Our homes are also where we connect with old friends over shared meals and welcome strangers in from the cold. They are sacred spaces where our relationships mature, quarrels are made up, failures forgiven and strength renewed. The blessing of our home helps us bridge our faith with our daily lives and encourages us to dedicate all that happens there to God.

Schedule one anytime!

While they are a common practice when you have recently moved to a new home or are celebrating an anniversary of some kind, you can do one anytime and do not need any special reason. If you would like to schedule a house blessing, contact Fr. Chris at charris@christchurchcranbrook.org



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