
God’s Chosen

By Jennifer DeMello-Johnson

This month we have been inviting members to reflect on the ways in which Christ Church Cranbrook helps them to Make Room for God in their life, and how that relates to their decision to make a pledge to support our mission and ministry.

It seems that life continually presents me with challenges… Whether I am dealing with critical deadlines at work, facing an unexpected family crisis, or fearing repercussions from the divided factions of the world, God inevitably reminds me that these moments are perfect opportunities to lean into my faith and make time for his presence. A recent sermon by Pastor Manisha drove this home for me: God is calling, seeking, and transforming each one of us as we are favored by him!   

For the past 24 years, Christ Church Cranbrook has served to inspire and encourage me to make space for God while renewing my faith amid life’s many challenges.  I lean into our ministers who provide guidance and a unique perspective on the scriptures that I can incorporate into my daily thoughts, decisions, and actions.   Having sung in a church choir from an early age, our magnificent choir allows me to continue worshiping and praising God through exceptional repertoire and beautiful venues both within our church and in the community.  I have always felt God’s tangible presence while singing the liturgy versus speaking the prayers.  Most importantly, I am surrounded by other parishioners who are embarking on their own journey in making space for God and I find comfort in knowing that we are here to uplift and support one another.     

Through this commitment to myself, pledging to Christ Church Cranbrook is not only an investment in my own faith but a gift I have been given that results in the greatest return. Having served on the Vestry, Little Lambs Board of Directors and numerous Rector and Music Director searches, I am aware of the extraordinary ministry, expertise, and resources we provide to our members and our greater community.  We are inclusive, generous, and transformative in doing God’s work for not only Christ Church Cranbrook, but for other faiths and denominations that impact our lives.  Ensuring these initiatives perpetuate into the future will take tremendous time, talent, and treasure.  Pledging represents not only my relationship with God, but the continued work of the church that we can do together, as chosen people of God.

Make your pledge online today and join a community of faith that makes room for God, while making a difference in the world!  Want to share your story?  Email Fr. Chris at charris@christchurchcranbrook.org  

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1 Comment

  1. Melifluous Jennifer–Your prose is as wonderful as your singing. I cannot imagine CCC without you gloriously in the stalls, and beloved Dan kneeling (almost the only one!) in his front pew. What rocks you both are. I still miss the young ones, but hope to see them on high and holy events like Christmas. Thank you, dear Jennifer, for the shining examples of ministry and devotion you and your family give to all the rest of us.

    Your FAN, Eric Linder

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