By Fr. Bill Danaher
Dear ones, thanks to many for the positive response to my sermon this Sunday (if you missed the sermon titled “The Sword and the Altar,” you can watch it here). I am sending along some additional research, including my own publications, on the Just War tradition. Please know that I do not agree with every position these authors take, but they are conversation partners whom I trust. Be on the lookout for additional opportunities for learning and conversation!
Fr. Bill’s Publications:
Pacifism, Just War and the Limits of Ethics
With a Sword Pointing to the East,West, South, and North
External Publications:
Measuring Israel by the Just-War Yardstick
War (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
How Ukraine’s Just War Challenges Just Peace Theory
At What Cost, Intellegence? A Case Study of the Consequences of Ethical (and Unethical) Leadership