All are welcome to join us during our Lenten season events and for our Easter services. We are excited to share the following worship and event opportunities as we move closer to celebrating the resurrection of Christ!
All are welcome to join us during our Lenten season events and for our Easter services. We are excited to share the following worship and event opportunities as we move closer to celebrating the resurrection of Christ!
Easter Sunday is regarded as the most joyful service of the year! We celebrate the Resurrection with uplifting music and worship. There is hope for all of us in Jesus!
Come before or after your Easter worship service to enjoy Easter Eggs with your family. Children will be given a bag and they can roam the field of eggs. Stop by the Rector’s lawn for some great fun!
The Holy Triduum -- Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil – tells the story of Jesus’ final days on earth: his Last Supper, the Arrest, the Crucifixion and then, the promise of what is to come. These services heighten your experience of the great gift of Jesus Christ for you. Come to one or all!
Participate in an ancient ritual of having your feet or hands washed by another as a sign of love for each other. Eat at the Last Supper of Christ on earth and then be a witness as Jesus is arrested and all his disciples, including us, scatter into the darkness.
For the second year we will worship together as one with Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, a historic Black Church in Detroit. Father Bill will preach one of Jesus’s seven last words, and our choirs will sing together. Transportation is provided from CCC- leaving at 11 AM, reserve a seat through the sign-up!
On the day he died for the world, take a journey with Scriptures, music and art to see what Jesus experienced when he was arrested, went to trial and was crucified. Visiting artist Michael Takeo Magruder will curate the art for this powerful service. We will also for the last time experience the art piece ‘Lamentation for the Forsaken’.
The Holy Tridium ends with this Vigil service. We start in darkness with only a candle to guide us as we hear the ancient stories of how God has cared for the world throughout history. Then, when the candles are about to go out, there is light! This is the first service of Easter – experience the profound joy of the Resurrection anew.
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and commemorates Jesus’ much anticipated return to Jerusalem! Wave a palm branch to welcome Him and then follow Him as he journeys to the cross.
A simple worship service in the beautiful and dramatic St. Dunstan’s Chapel with Scripture readings, hymns and the Eucharist. Joe LaVela, a candidate for Holy Ordination, will give the homily.
A simple worship service in the beautiful and dramatic St. Dunstan’s Chapel with Scripture readings, hymns and the Eucharist. Danny Cox, the pastor of the Open Table Collective, will give the homily.
A powerful service led by our Choir with candles, an enveloping darkness and chant to prepare for the crucifixion of Christ, our Savior. Christopher Bahrke, a member of our parish, will provide a short testimony.