In 2017, Christ Church Cranbrook embarked on a bold strategic planning process that has shaped our ambitious vision to enhance and expand our campus so we can better fulfill our overarching vision of meeting Jesus, finding Joy, sharing
By Aiden Neeper, Teen Parishioner
My name is Aiden Neeper, I am 16 years old and I have been a member of Christ Church Cranbrook since I was baptized at two and half weeks. During my time as a member
Since June we have updated you about the From Our Founding to Our Future capital campaign. This coming week, a mailing will be sent to more than 500 parish families requesting a prayerful consideration of a sacrificial multi-year
by Steven Huprich, Junior Warden
Growing up, my parents were very reluctant to speak about money, particularly to anyone outside the family who might be asking them to consider how to spend or commit their finances. They seemed especially
by Sarah Allison, Campaign Leadership Committee member
When I was asked to be involved in the From Our Founding to Our Future capital campaign, it was very easy for me to shout “YES!” because I love the Episcopal
By Father Chris Harris, Associate Rector and Jill Bednas, Minister of Growth and Engagement
Church development professionals tell us that one of the primary reasons people come to church is to find a sense of community – a
By Imogen Rhodenhiser, Associate Rector
This past April, I presented my spiritual autobiography as part of our Lenten Wednesday night series. At one point during it, I reflected on my relationship with my spouse, Giles, and wrote, “n our
By Marc Robinson, Campaign Leadership Committee Co-chair
When Father Bill asked me to serve as a co-chair of the From Our Founding to Our Future capital campaign, I hesitated. I would be traveling, I already serve on a couple
By Mollie Proctor, Campaign Leadership Committee Co-chair
I vividly remember my visits as a child to Christ Church Cranbrook with my grandparents. It was a special weekend when I could spend the night at their house in the “blue
By Amy Ryberg, Healing Prayer Ministry member, and Pastor Manisha Dostert
Each week in our lives brings unexpected experiences and events and each Sunday, there are prayer ministers who will help you pray for whatever is on your heart and