
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Taking off your jersey

Grace-filled Political Conversations – Practice #1

By the Rev. Chris Harris

During this election season, our 10 AM Sunday Adult Forum is taking on the topic of how we can bring grace to our political conversations.  How can we as Christians,

Why are there boxes in the pews?

By the Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

With the colder months upon us, our in-person services held Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 11am, which are normally held outdoors, will be increasingly held inside the church

Music Memory (A Poem)

By Hunter Torres

The robes
The hymn
The organ
The voices
The intervals
The soaring
The resolution

Pondering Anew these Perilous Times

By Steven Huprich, Senior Warden

I was at an outdoor service the other week, and I ran into a few individuals I had not seen since the pandemic began.  Their presence was surprisingly calming and renewing.  In the last few

Thriving as a Church During the Pandemic: Four Takeaways from the Town Hall

By Father Bill Danaher, Rector


Thanks be to our God, despite the pandemic, we are thriving as a congregation:

We are continuing to meet together for worship, study, and prayer.

We are attracting new members and growing.

We are serving others

Seeing Growth in our Community Garden in 2020

By Jill Bednas, Executive Assistant to the Rector

This year the Community Garden has a new cast:  Three returning seasoned members and nine new members; some of whom only recently joined the church.  This group of dedicated and thoughtful gardeners

Finding God through Fitness

By Lauren Brooks

I am constantly amazed how resilient, capable and strong our bodies are. What a gift from God! I often think: God made it, Jesus died for it, the Holy Spirit lives in it, I’d better

The Music Program is forging ahead with Fall and wants to include you!

By Christopher Wells, Director of Music & Organist

The Music Program has spent the summer charting a path forward to continue a robust ministry during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are pleased to announce that all ensembles will be

Shortening The Time Between Fear and Trust

By Linda Truxell

This summer I really enjoyed the sermon series on the “Fruit of the Spirit”– love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, generosity, faith, gentleness and self-control (as described by the Apostle Paul in Galatians).   While I looked

Practicing Self Control in New Environments

By Sophie Tsamaidis

When I was in elementary, I went to a small Christian school. It was an “everyone knows everyone” kind of place and it was easy to converse about our faith inside the classroom. At the end of