
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Put Politics in its Place

Grace-filled Political Conversations – Practice #3

By Jon Buyle

During this election season, our 10 AM Sunday Adult Forum is taking on the topic of how we can bring grace to our political conversations.  How can we as Christians, bring humility, forgiveness

Use the Power of Habit to Grow Closer to God

By Fr. Chris Harris, Associate Rector

In his New York Times bestselling book, “The Power of Habit,” Chalres Duhig makes the case, that if we want to make a change in our life, the

What’s the difference between All Souls’ and All Saints’ Day?

By Nathan Costa, Assistant Director of Music & Liturgist

Don’t forget to join us for two special online services for All Souls’ on November 1: an All Souls’ Congregational Evensong service at 5 PM and


By Lynda Hojnacki

Being 74-years-old and maneuvering through a pandemic with limited and safe exposure, I find moments that bring me great joy.
On Sunday, October 11th, my husband and I and our daughter and 3 children

Find Your Why: Deconstruct your politics

Grace-filled Political Conversations – Practice #2

By Betsy LaVela

During this election season, our 10 AM Sunday Adult Forum is taking on the topic of how we can bring grace to our political conversations.  How can we as Christians, bring humility, forgiveness

Pledges: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask!

By the Rev. Chris Harris, Associate Rector


Q: What is a pledge?

Practically speaking, a “pledge” is simply an estimate of your giving for the coming year, which collectively, fund everything we do as a faith community – from paying the

Taking off your jersey

Grace-filled Political Conversations – Practice #1

By the Rev. Chris Harris

During this election season, our 10 AM Sunday Adult Forum is taking on the topic of how we can bring grace to our political conversations.  How can we as Christians,

Why are there boxes in the pews?

By the Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

With the colder months upon us, our in-person services held Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 11am, which are normally held outdoors, will be increasingly held inside the church

Music Memory (A Poem)

By Hunter Torres

The robes
The hymn
The organ
The voices
The intervals
The soaring
The resolution

Pondering Anew these Perilous Times

By Steven Huprich, Senior Warden

I was at an outdoor service the other week, and I ran into a few individuals I had not seen since the pandemic began.  Their presence was surprisingly calming and renewing.  In the last few