
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Handwashing 101: The When’s, How’s & Why’s

By Susan Varbedian Lucken, R.N., B.S.N.

Heart-to-Heart is a monthly offering of the Parish Health Ministry designed to help you care for your mind, body and spirit. This year, we are delighted to invite parishioners in the healthcare

Sacrificial Generosity for Our Future

How we are growing our community through the Capital Campaign

by Fr. Bill Danaher, Rector

Not a day goes by that I am not humbled to be your Rector. I feel so blessed to share the story

From Our Founding to Our Future Capital Campaign Overview

In 2017, Christ Church Cranbrook embarked on a bold strategic planning process that has shaped our ambitious vision to enhance and expand our campus so we can better fulfill our overarching vision of meeting Jesus, finding Joy, sharing

Sharing Beauty through Handbells

Ringing collectively to create music

by Donna Hughes, Handbell Director

Christ Church Cranbrook has enjoyed a summer season of carillon music and concerts on the lawn and will be preparing to bring the sound of bells indoors

About the Capital Campaign

In 2017, Christ Church Cranbrook embarked on a bold strategic planning process that has shaped our ambitious vision to enhance and expand our campus so we can better fulfill our overarching vision of meeting Jesus, finding Joy, sharing

Discovering God’s Path For Me: A teen’s perspective on the Capital Campaign

By Aiden Neeper, Teen Parishioner

My name is Aiden Neeper, I am 16 years old and I have been a member of Christ Church Cranbrook since I was baptized at two and half weeks. During my time as a member

From Our Founding to Our Future: This Week’s Spotlight: Participation

Since June we have updated you about the From Our Founding to Our Future capital campaign. This coming week, a mailing will be sent to more than 500 parish families requesting a prayerful consideration of a sacrificial multi-year

Surprised By Joy: One Family’s Journey of Generosity

by Steven Huprich, Junior Warden

Growing up, my parents were very reluctant to speak about money, particularly to anyone outside the family who might be asking them to consider how to spend or commit their finances. They seemed especially

Why I am involved in the Capital Campaign

by Sarah Allison, Campaign Leadership Committee member

When I was asked to be involved in the From Our Founding to Our Future capital campaign, it was very easy for me to shout “YES!” because I love the Episcopal

What are the Challenges of our Existing Space

By Father Chris Harris, Associate Rector and Jill Bednas, Minister of Growth and Engagement 

Church development professionals tell us that one of the primary reasons people come to church is to find a sense of community – a