
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Maundy Thursday Blood Drive

“On the night Jesus was betrayed…” You are invited to give blood on the day Jesus was handed over to death. Life is given to us by Jesus’s sacrifice and now you can give the gift of

The Link Between Heart Health and Brain Health

By Felix J. Rogers, DO

Over the past century we have seen an interesting comparison between our understanding of coronary heart disease and dementia.

In 1913, in St. Petersburg, Russia, Nickolai Anichkov demonstrated that fatal heart attacks were caused by cholesterol

Springtime in Lent

By Nathan Costa, Assistant Director of Music & Liturgist

“Lent” is a word of Germanic origin, meaning “spring,” perhaps referring to the “lengthen”-ing of the days of that season. After our snow-enshrouded Ash Wednesday and last week’s change

Palms & Pancakes: All about Shrove Tuesday

By Nathan Costa, Assistant Director of Music & Liturgist

“Shrove Tuesday” is the name given to the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of liturgical season of Lent. The word “shrove” comes from an old English word meaning

How To Prevent & Survive Heart Disease

By Renato G. Ramos, M.D.

Heart Disease is a timely but broad topic.  We will cover as much of Coronary Artery Disease as we can.  The death rate from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in middle age (45-64yrs) population is rising in

An Update on St. Dunstan’s Organ

By Christopher Wells, Director of Music & Organist

View all the photos from the trip to Québec here

After nearly a decade of discussion and two years of intense planning, on Tuesday this week the

Remembering Our Future

A sermon by Father Bill Danaher delivered at St. Stephen African Methodist Episcopal Church

To watch this sermon, click here

It is a profound blessing to be with you today on your Heritage Sunday. I am grateful

A New Way to Pray

By Barbara Prinzi

I discovered the Examen prayer during our “Discerning Your Purpose” workshop that Fr. Chris led at Christ Church Cranbrook last year. The focus of that class was discerning where God calls us, i.e. how we find the

A Message from the Rector: Coronavirus and Flu Prevention

Dear ones,

With news of the spread of the coronavirus as well as the normal risks that flu and cold season bring, we want to share with you some of the preventative measures we are taking at Christ Church Cranbrook

Candlemas: Feast of the Presentation

By Nathan Costa, Assistant Director of Music & Liturgist

The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (also called “Candlemas”), celebrated on February 2, marks 40 days after the birth of Jesus when Mary and Joseph, following Jewish