
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Unexpected Blessings

By the Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

Dear Ones,

Last month we were honored to welcome John Barry, author of The Great Influenza (2004), to participate with us in our webinar The

Increasing our Humility, Increases our Joy

By Rev. Chris Harris and Amy Ryberg

This is the second in a series of blog posts are adapted from The Book of Joy by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and The Dalai Lama.  Join us for our ongoing forum series on “The

A small thing that can help CCC in a BIG way!

By the Rev. Chris Harris, Associate Rector

Because of your generosity, Christ Church Cranbrook has funded more than $200,000 in relief efforts to help frontline workers and families hit particularly hard by the pandemic.  Next month, we will

Let God Help You Manage Your Stress and Anxiety

By Victoria Laurenzi-Jump, MSW, Pastoral Care Associate 

During the pandemic most of us are feeling a mix of emotions: fear, anger, sadness, disgust, and joy to name a few. These emotions are natural to experience during

Which Voice Will You Answer?

By Tim Miller

On a recent Sunday I was out for an early morning walk. My route took me through the campus of a large Catholic parish. As I walked through the back side of the property I noticed just

Enlarge your Joy through a Larger Perspective

By Rev. Chris Harris

This is the first in a series of blog posts are adapted from The Book of Joy by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and The Dalai Lama.  Join us for our

Avoiding Skin Cancer this Summer

By Dr. Daisy P. Ramos, M.D., F.A.A.D.

Skin cancer is the most prevalent of all types of cancers.  It is estimated that more than two million Americans develop skin cancers every year. Fair skinned people who sunburn easily are at

Sewing Seeds of Love

By Jill Bednas, Minister for Growth & Engagement

I’ve been feeling so proud lately to be a Michigander, with GM and Ford making ventilators.  And I’m looking at so many of you doing your small part. Our CCC parishioners are

Breaking (and Baking) Bread Together

By JJ Benkert

Like many of us now, trying to navigate through the world, I felt called to reach out to Gerald Matthes, a dear friend, fellow parishioner and owner of a small business like myself. Gerald told

Praise God By Joining Our Virtual Ensemble

By Christopher Wells, Director of Music & Organist

Have you seen these split-pane videos showing up in your social media? Maybe you’ve seen CCC’s own Virtual Recordings on YouTube, or maybe you saw