
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Stations of the Cross exhibit

by Bill Johnson

Recently, a handful of fellow travelers from CCC and I navigated an intense 12-mile stretch of Manhattan in pursuit of the creative and thoughtfully curated city-wide exhibit Stations of the Cross. Conceived and curated

Holy Week and Easter: Celebrations of living and life

By The Rev. Canon Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr.

Holy Week and Easter are often associated with

CCC’s ministry to the people of Houston continues

CCC’s ministry to the people of Houston continues

By Craig Fitzgerald, Christopher de Movellan, Silvia Karlsson, Michael Froelich, Stephanie Caponigro, Pastor Manisha

“And after seven days the waters of the flood came on the earth. …

SOS: A week of love, labor, and community

Thirty-two people. Seven of them are under 12. None of them have a home.

On April 8, these current guests of

Ellington’s Sacred Concert at CCC

By Troy Dostert
Christ Church Cranbrook is building on its growing reputation for finding ways in which jazz music can enhance the church’s mission. On Saturday, March 10, CCC is partnering with the Carr Center and the Erb Family Foundation’s

Discovering Lent

Discovering Lent

by Anthony Estes

When I first discovered the liturgical season of Lent, I was an Evangelical, and I remember thinking how impossible it would be for me to “observe Lent” appropriately. The suppression of liturgical Alleluias and subdued liturgies

Consider yourselves warned! – Jesus is about to be transfigured

Christopher Wells

Today is the last Sunday after Epiphany. We will hear the story (this year from St. Mark) of Jesus ascending a mountain with Peter, James and John where he will

Going Deeper: Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation

By Joyce Matthews
Confirmation is a pastoral rite in the Episcopal Church; therefore it is not a rite that notes fuller initiation into the Church, the Body of Christ. A person is a full member of the Church through Baptism.

Why we have Vestries

Why we have vestries

By Bill Danaher

One of the ways the Episcopal church is distinctive as a denomination concerns the ministry of the Vestry. The Vestry – which is a name that comes from the room where the clergy traditionally

2018 CCC Youth Ski Trip 2/17-19

Attention middle school and high schoolers:   Signup now for the annual CCC Weekend Ski Trip to Northern Michigan.  We will ski 2 days at Crystal Mountain