
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

2018 CCC Youth Ski Trip 2/17-19

Attention middle school and high schoolers:   Signup now for the annual CCC Weekend Ski Trip to Northern Michigan.  We will ski 2 days at Crystal Mountain

The Secret to Living Generously

The Secret to Living Generously
By Bill Danaher

As I mentioned in this year’s Stewardship appeal, this year our focus is on “living generously.” Generosity isn’t just about how many gifts you share, or how much time you devote, or how

Connecting our Founding to our Future

By the Rev. Canon Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

One of my favorite anthropologists has a saying: “Institutions that forget their founding vision founder.”

That is to say, institutions start with a vision for the future, and living into that

Love Wins: A journey to affirmation

Love Wins: A journey to affirmation

By Christopher Wells, Imogen Rhodenhiser, and Michael Bartus

On Sunday, October 1, at 6:00 PM, we will inaugurate a new group, Love Wins at Christ Church Cranbrook. Love Wins is an expression of Christians on

Lay visitors serve as ambassadors of the clergy and church

By Judy Frank

Finding the time to volunteer at church is a challenge for most of us. Like everyone, I always felt too busy to do too much. My family and career kept me very busy, and I thought teaching Sunday School was all

Sunday School is amazing

By Kate Bell

Did you know that the children in preschool through third grade who come with you on Sundays, enter into a world that is rich with unique opportunities?

These opportunities offer them a chance to see God, hear God, witness

Volunteer opportunities at Bound Together

By Janice M. King, CCC Advocate for Bound Together

Bound Together, an after-school tutoring program located in All Saints Episcopal Church in Pontiac, serves academically needy children in grades one through six. This amazing organization is one of Christ Church Cranbrook’s

Altar Guild sets the stage for worship services

by Lisa Nemazi

In general terms, the duty of the Altar Guild is to prepare the altar with all things necessary for the celebration of each service held at Christ Church Cranbrook. This is a very important ministry; we are

A special project to mark Detroit ‘67

by Bill Danaher

As we reflect on the 1967 Rebellion, the challenge is not merely to look back at what happened, but to build memories that can help us understand our present and negotiate our future. The philosopher Herbert Marcuse

Docents share the history, art and architecture of Christ Church Cranbrook with others

by Karen Martin and Janice King

You have probably heard or read the announcements about Docent Tours available after the 10:00 AM Sunday church services. Quite a number of people have enjoyed these tours.

Our purpose is to share information about