
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Wrapping Up: CCC’s Sponsorship of a Refugee Family

By Beth McArthur Aikens, Co-Chair of Refugee Resettlement Committee

In January, 2017, David Jensen, chair of CCC’s Missions and Outreach program; Father Bill; and Pastor Manisha began the process of partnering with Samaritas, a refugee resettlement

The Business of Organs at CCC

By Christopher Wells, Director of Music

How exciting it must have been in 1928 when the church opened it’s doors for the first time as a beacon of spirituality, art, education, and community. Thanks be to God

Children & Youth and our Campus Redevelopment

By the Reverend Imogen Rhodenhiser, Associate Rector

Children and youth are thriving at Christ Church Cranbrook. During the program year, over 60 children per week learn about God at Sunday School. Throughout the calendar year, over 40 youth serve as

How Space Affects Pastoral Care

By the Reverend Manisha Dostert, Senior Associate Rector

The death was unexpected. She was in her prime and there was no warning. The family called the church and after prayers and a conversation with the priest, the family came to

Visioning of Our Future in Worship

By the Reverend Imogen Rhodenhiser, Associate Rector

At Christ Church Cranbrook, there is always something new to discover. Whether it’s the misericord carvings in the choir stalls or the sculptures overlooking the columbarium, hidden gems abound

How Membership & Engagement will look in our Future Spaces

By Jill Bednas, Minister of Growth & Engagement

Upon entering Christ Church Cranbrook, you get a feeling of reverence.  The architecture and the materials that went into building this grand structure are significant.  No

From our Founding to our Future

By The Reverend Canon Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

I never tire telling the story of Christ Church Cranbrook’s founding. The incredible generosity of George and Ellen Booth, and the many people that have carried on their vision for

Servant Saturday: Mansfield Project

Written by Peggy Dahlberg
I just want to say thank you so much and to everyone who showed up and to Christ Church Cranbrook. Everyone was amazing and so nice. You all did such a great job working so hard

A good day at Focus: Hope

Written by Felix Rogers


Dear  All


Late this afternoon, I stopped at the Parkman Branch of the Detroit Library, on the Western edge of the HOPE Village, my SUV loaded with the Item of the Month. My contact, the head librarian,

Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs of Suicide

By Dr. Steven Huprich

About a month ago, the Center for Disease Control released some statistics indicating that suicide rates have risen in 49 of the 50 states.  In that same week, we learned of the suicides