By Amy Ryberg, Healing Prayer Ministry member, and Pastor Manisha Dostert
Each week in our lives brings unexpected experiences and events and each Sunday, there are prayer ministers who will help you pray for whatever is on your heart and
When life is: unfair, scary, changes, sad, good and busy, God is GOOD! And wow, have we been BUSY! The preparation and implementation of Vacation Bible School was EPIC! Thank you God! This past week, all the work and preparation
By Mother Imogen Rhodenhiser, Associate Rector
One of my favorite, hidden treasures at Christ Church Cranbrook is an engraving in the stones high above the Library Door which reads, “Teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall
Excerpts from Between the Line’s “Trans, Religious, Thriving” by Eve Kucharski
As a faith leader, the Rev. Kate Malin, Rector of Christ’s Church in Rye, New York, wears a variety of hats: teacher, theologian, preacher. She is used to giving informed
by Tom Booth, Artworks Committee and Buildings & Grounds Committee member
Christ Church Cranbrook is our church, however, many of you will agree that CCC is much more. For decades, the church has been our family’s spiritual and community
By Mother Imogen Rhodenhiser | Associate Rector
For many of us at CCC, the climax of the Program Year comes in June, when school lets out and we arrive at church on Monday morning ready for Vacation Bible School! At VBS
By Susan Varbedian Lucken, R.N., B.S.N.
What do Michael J. Fox, Alan Alda, Neil Diamond, Linda Ronstadt, Mu-hammad Ali and Janet Reno all have in common? If you guessed Parkin-son’s disease, you would be correct.
By The Rev. Canon Dr. William J. Danaher Jr. | Rector
This coming weekend, we welcome the Very Reverend John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry Cathedral in England. Dean Witcombe’s Cathedral is world-renowned for its work in Reconciliation, a ministry that
What’s so different about CCC Mission & Outreach in 2019?
CCC has historically supported many non-profit organizations throughout the metro area. For 2019 we have decided on one geographical area- our Pontiac
neighbors– in hopes of magnifying the impact of our
By Nathan Costa, Assistant Director of Music
Welcome to Holy Week! Our Lenten observance began with an Ash Wednesday invitation over five weeks ago to conversion of heart, through “prayer, fasting, and self-denial” and through “reading and meditating on God’s holy World.” Perhaps you’ve made a