
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

April: Autism Awareness Month

By Susan Varbedian Lucken, R.N., B.S.N.

April is National Autism awareness month according to Healthline. Au-tism spectrum disorder or ASD is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Scientists do not know yet exactly

The Middle Way: Christianity in the Anglican Tradition

By Father Chris Harris

Why is the Episcopal Church such a wonderful blend of the ancient and the modern?

What brought you the Episcopal Church?   

Was it our unique blend of traditional liturgy and music,

A Profile in Extreme Poverty

By Mother Imogen Rhodenhiser

Michelle stands with her partner Juan and their friend Angel in the shade against
the brick wall, waiting for 9 a.m. to arrive. Juan has the wire cart they’ll need to tote any groceries they glean from

Kids and Teen Summer Programs

By Kids & Teen Ministries

Dearest Church Family,

We are thrilled to bring you news from the Kids and Teens of Christ Church Cranbrook! 

Our ministry to our children and youth is unique because it continues through the summer months as we

2019 ~ The Year of Pontiac

By Peggy K. Goodwin

At a celebration hosted by All Saints Episcopal Church, the Mission and Outreach Committee of Christ Church Cranbrook declared 2019 “The Year of Pontiac” and selected five key non-profit organizations to become their major partners for

March: National Kidney Month

By Susan Varbedian Lucken, R.N., B.S.N.

March is National Kidney month according to Healthline. 30 million people or 15% of U.S. adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease according to the CDC. 48% of those

The Peculiar Abundance of Scripture

An Excerpt from Lauren Winner’s A Word to Live By

Recently I copied out this poem from George Herbert:

As on a window late I cast mine eye,

I saw a vine drop grapes with J and C

Spiritual Autobiography Begins March 13

By The Rev Chris Harris

I will never forget what a long -time member of the church said to me after I invited her to the adult formation series we call, “Spiritual Autobiography.”  She shook her head and said,

The 2019 Sacred Jazz Concert | March 1st 2019 at 7pm

By Christopher Wells, Director of Music

The 2018 Sacred Concert, featuring music by Duke Ellingington, was an epic success! How could be top that in 2019? We are pairing up this year again with The Christ Church Choir, Rodney Whitaker,

Breaking White Supremacy: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Social Gospel

By Gary Dorrien, Reinbold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary

My latest book stands on its own and fulfills my longtime desire to see someone—eventually, me—give the black social gospel tradition its due recognition. The founding of