
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

In-Person Worship Guidelines

We are excited to welcome many of you back to worship in person at Christ Church Cranbrook. As we re-open to a new worship schedule that includes both indoor and outdoor venues on campus, we want to review

Being a Patient Presence

By Robert Gaines

In life, patience is a good trait to have. Unfortunately, some people have had a hard time being patient. I think we’ve all had a moment where someone we knew, or even loved, wasn’t patient

Fruit of the Spirit: A Collect on Patience

By the Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

The Celebrant says
Let us pray.
God of Patience
tire of
for us
you are
to bear
the burden
of our
give us
the grace
to wait
for others
with the
you wait
for us
help us
to be
to bear
as you
bear ours

Peace Is A Process

By Dani DeMello-Johnson

For Coffee Hour this past Sunday, I was asked to talk about peace.  Peace for me has been a process more than just a feeling or emotion at some point in time. To truly be

Fruit of the Spirit: A Collect on Peace

By the Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

God of Peace
you have
in us
an instinct
so that
we hunger
and thirst
for you
no matter
how much
we eat
or drink
help us
to find
our life
in you
you in
our life

Love in Action

Compassion, the Seventh Pillar of Joy

By the Rev. Chris Harris and Sandy Ladd

This is the seventh in a series of blog posts are adapted from The Book of Joy by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and The Dalai Lama.  Join us for our

Join us for In-Person Services beginning the weekend of July 5

By the Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector

Dear Ones,

I am delighted to announce we are returning to in-person worship on July 4 and 5! Connected to this joyous announcement are a number of important details we are putting in

Christ Church Cranbrook to Receive Congregational Partner Award from Samaritas

Provided by Samaritas

Samaritas is one of Michigan’s largest faith-based, nonprofit health and human services agencies and serves nearly 14,000 people statewide. Our agency helps children find loving families by utilizing family preservation, foster care and adoption programs and services. Through Samaritas,

Gratitude for our COVID-19 Response Fund

By Pastor Manisha Dostert, Senior Associate Rector

Melissa is a nurse in the Henry Ford Health system who contracted COVID-19.  She almost went on the ventilator but begged her medical team to keep her off since she was

Experiencing Joy

By Aiden Neeper

Joy is rare, and to be treasured,  it can be found in situations we have faced at least a couple of times in our lives. One time I experienced joy so powerful, I remember it