
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Why I’m Doing Spiritual Exercises

By Meredith Skowronski, Executive Assistant to the Rector

I spent many years of my life angry at God.  Angry that He would “allow” deep pain and anguish into my life.  That He would “leave


A Happy Church – Walking and Growing in Faith

By Christa Albrecht

“It’s a happy church”, my husband said simply when we left church this morning.  Yes, it is!  With the help of our wonderful clergy, who pray with us and for us, and who teach and inspire us

Why Vaccinate? It’s Just the Flu.

By Felix Rogers, DO

Years ago, a patient was telling me about her symptoms when her twin sister interrupted her: “would you stop telling the doctor that you have the flu? You only have the symptoms of the flu.” At

How to turn your giving into a Spiritual Practice

By Father Chris Harris

Jesus reminds us that ‘where our treasure is, our heart will be also.’  Want a closer relationship with God?  Want to feel God’s presence in your life in new and deeper

Learning to Listen and Dance with our Differences

By John Keck

When I first came to Christ Church Cranbrook, I didn’t expect it to so change my life.  But it truly has.  I came here with a rather strong political perspective which I will confess, wasn’t always tolerant

Waking the Organ

A New Pipe Organ is coming to St. Dunstan’s Chapel

By Christopher Wells, Director of Music & Organist

We are pleased to announce that a new pipe organ for St. Dunstan’s Chapel has been commissioned

Handwashing 101: The When’s, How’s & Why’s

By Susan Varbedian Lucken, R.N., B.S.N.

Heart-to-Heart is a monthly offering of the Parish Health Ministry designed to help you care for your mind, body and spirit. This year, we are delighted to invite parishioners in the healthcare

Sacrificial Generosity for Our Future

How we are growing our community through the Capital Campaign

by Fr. Bill Danaher, Rector

Not a day goes by that I am not humbled to be your Rector. I feel so blessed to share the story

From Our Founding to Our Future Capital Campaign Overview

In 2017, Christ Church Cranbrook embarked on a bold strategic planning process that has shaped our ambitious vision to enhance and expand our campus so we can better fulfill our overarching vision of meeting Jesus, finding Joy, sharing