
Parish Life – Our Weekly Blog

Pray During Election Week

By: Pastor Manisha Dostert

We invite you to pray during the week surrounding Election Day on Tue, Nov 5.  It will ground you, give you a sense of purpose and remind you to trust in God who is

Knitting for a Good Cause!

By: Christa Albrecht & Lisa Nemazi

Did you know Christ Church Cranbrook has it’s own dedicated group of volunteers who knit Prayer Shawls to be gifted to those needing support and comfort during difficult times like the death of a

“Join or Die”

By: The Rev. Dr. William Danaher, Rector

We are living through an epidemic of loneliness. A recent (2023) report by the Surgeon General found that isolation from “social relationships, social roles, group memberships, and infrequent social interaction” poses significant health

Practicing Peace in Political Conversations

By: The Rev. Chris Harris

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. – Galatians 3:28


A Church Community’s Embrace

By: John Marsh 

On February 29, 1964, my parents and grandmother were involved in a plane crash at Berz Airport in Troy. My mother was killed. My father was very seriously injured, with extensive head injuries

Founders, Faith, and the Future: Lessons from Christ Church Cranbrook

By: The Rev. Dr. William Danaher, Rector

When we celebrate longstanding institutions, they often seem as if they’ve always existed—fixed, eternal, and inevitable. But every institution has a founding moment, and these moments don’t come from certainty or

I Can’t Wait!

By: Frances Hammond

When I signed up for the first year of EfM here at Christ Church Cranbrook, it was because I wanted to address my Old Testament knowledge deficit. I thought that the opportunity to read through the whole

Moving the Needle: The Thriving Families Program at Christ Church Cranbrook

By: Pastor Manisha Dostert

What if you could move the needle for a Pontiac family so they could go from surviving to thriving?  Or how about six families?

How It Started – In 2022, I was on vacation and was

EfM Community is Priceless!

By: Gayle Mcgregor

EfM is a 4-year program that has a different focus each year:  In year one, it’s the Old Testament, in year two, the New Testament, then in year three it’s Christian Theology and in the

Think EfM is a Bible Study? Think Again!

By: Candace Adams

If you have ever thought about engaging in an academic course on the Bible or exploring your faith in a deeper way, I highly recommend participating in Education for Ministry – or EfM for short.